Our core operating principle as Digititan is to build a Strong Community of Fanatical Members who will drive the realization of values that are enshrined in our founding document such as Restoring Dignity to the African people. The “N” in Digititan represent Networking which is the cornerstone of building our community. Our 2030 vision of Africa as a First-World Continent is sacrosanct. We are building a grassroot community that will consist of groups focusing on SMME development (companies that are focused on changing our peoples ‘lives); training and development; learning community; online gaming and technology access. If we are to overcome challenges that are currently decimating the African continent, we need to work together as a united front with a singular focus in mind.
Digititan is being built as a company that will use ALL its resources for the betterment of Africa and its people. Africa at this stage is not suitable for a Capitalistic system that favours the rich minority whilst the majority is drowning in poverty. We will support businesses that put workers and customers as key stakeholders. We are totally against the idea of a “Rich African Continent inhabited by Poor African People”.
How to become a Community Member?
Membership is FREE!!!
NB: To complete your membership application, order your Digititan T-shirt from our online store.